Category: Doing
Another Weird Week in Corolla, NC
You know how I tried laughing off the shortcomings of the Outer Banks earlier this month? That’s a hoot! Let’s just chalk that up to post-traumatic stress in the aftermath of Irene, ok? I mean, who wants to see their vacation destination wiped off the map just as it’s time to kick back and relax? Let’s…
I Went to the Gym
Not earth-shattering news by any stretch of the imagination, but for this dad, a major step toward getting back in shape after an arduous two-year hiatus. Now that Charlie’s sleeping more normally, I’ve decided to hit the gym three times per week in the evenings. I’m not quite ready to give up the additional sleep…
Who Needs Birthday Presents?
Once upon a time, I used to be a guy who compiled lists — obsessively, even — of the movies and music I wanted to acquire in some physical format. It made birthdays and Christmases so easy for everyone in my life. Distribute the list and — voila — instant gifts! Now it’s not so…