Category: Doing

  • #ripfest

    If you want to see a Cliffs Notes ver­sion of what I’m rip­ping and tak­ing to AKA some time in the next month or so, fol­low the #ripfest hash­tag on Twitter.  I’m going to be pret­ty aggres­sive about what I’m ditch­ing, so we’re talk­ing about some 600+ cds or so. If you’re inter­est­ed in any…

  • Everything Must Go!

    Not real­ly. I’m final­ly get­ting around to doing some­thing I threat­ened to do ages ago: rip the CDs I real­ly want to keep and sell the rest. Now I’m get­ting seri­ous and I’ve begun in earnest. Sure, I’ll keep some hard copies as back­up, but the bulk of it is going in a box and is…

  • Charlie Loves Baseball

    A quick recap: Char­lie keeps a tick­et in his hat, just like Daddy. He likes to walk around, but shouts, “Miss­ing!” when he real­izes he’s not watch­ing the game. He dances to Jim­my Rollins’ at bat music. He got on the score­board again last night. He REALLY loves baseball.

  • A Lesson in Accumulation

    Remem­ber when you used to eval­u­ate prospec­tive friends by the books they read, the movies they watched and the music they lis­tened to? Feels like a long time ago, right? Less than 10 years ago I would still scur­ry to book­stores and record shops, or spend beyond my means on DVD sales online. Then that sud­den­ly…

  • Spring Cleaning in Full Bloom

    Need to post pics, but, wow, did we ever over­haul our down­stairs this week­end. New kitchen you knew about, but new din­ing room table, new side table/shelf and new sofa cov­er makes the place feel like we just moved in. A few more projects in the off­ing will real­ly trans­form the way we live in…