Category: Doing
If you want to see a Cliffs Notes version of what I’m ripping and taking to AKA some time in the next month or so, follow the #ripfest hashtag on Twitter. I’m going to be pretty aggressive about what I’m ditching, so we’re talking about some 600+ cds or so. If you’re interested in any…
Everything Must Go!
Not really. I’m finally getting around to doing something I threatened to do ages ago: rip the CDs I really want to keep and sell the rest. Now I’m getting serious and I’ve begun in earnest. Sure, I’ll keep some hard copies as backup, but the bulk of it is going in a box and is…
Charlie Loves Baseball
A quick recap: Charlie keeps a ticket in his hat, just like Daddy. He likes to walk around, but shouts, “Missing!” when he realizes he’s not watching the game. He dances to Jimmy Rollins’ at bat music. He got on the scoreboard again last night. He REALLY loves baseball.
A Lesson in Accumulation
Remember when you used to evaluate prospective friends by the books they read, the movies they watched and the music they listened to? Feels like a long time ago, right? Less than 10 years ago I would still scurry to bookstores and record shops, or spend beyond my means on DVD sales online. Then that suddenly…
Spring Cleaning in Full Bloom
Need to post pics, but, wow, did we ever overhaul our downstairs this weekend. New kitchen you knew about, but new dining room table, new side table/shelf and new sofa cover makes the place feel like we just moved in. A few more projects in the offing will really transform the way we live in…