Category: Doing

  • Charlie After Ear Tubes

    Char­lie got ear tubes last week to help solve his chron­ic ear infec­tions. Turns out what every­one says is true: his speech improved imme­di­ate­ly and he’s much hap­pi­er now that his ears don’t hurt. What a relief! Now if he’d sleep past 4:30 in the morn­ing we’d be on Easy Street.

  • In Praise of Culebra

    Can­not stop think­ing about our trip to Cule­bra. Tak­ing the fer­ry there was like tak­ing a vaca­tion from vaca­tion. Prob­a­bly the most remote, beau­ti­ful place I’ve ever been. Hard to believe that I was on gor­geous Fla­men­co Beach just 8 days ago. Cule­bra is mag­i­cal. Home to beau­ti­ful beach­es, the island tran­scends your typ­i­cal beach des­ti­na­tion.…

  • Vacationing in Puerto Rico

    Lov­ing every minute. More when I get back, but vaca­tion­ing in Puer­to Rico in Jan­u­ary is just what the doc­tor ordered.

  • My 2011 Tech Resolutions

    Would you believe I made good on my 2010 tech res­o­lu­tions just this week? Sure did. When the year began, I vowed to sell old and upgrade my equip­ment, name­ly my MacBook. After wast­ing a whole year, I sold my Mac­Book and Xbox 360 this week. I’m ful­fill­ing my res­o­lu­tion next year by upgrad­ing to…

  • In Praise of December

    It’s cliche, but hav­ing a baby real­ly changes every­thing. I’ve been see­ing our hol­i­day prepa­ra­tions through Char­lie’s gleam­ing eyes and it just fills me with joy. Hear­ing him say “Han­ta” or “ho ho ho” puts a smile on my face. Can­not wait to see his reac­tion to the tree once it’s com­plete­ly decorated. Thing I…