Category: Doing

  • All Hail Purling Hiss

    Read about them a few weeks ago. Lis­tened to some tracks on their MySpace and fell in love. Hard to believe, but they’re even bet­ter live. How to describe their sound? Does a south­ern rock-tinged Jay Reatard make sense? Skynyrd meets the Ramones? Bought two albums and intro­duced myself to Mike, the lead singer and gui­tarist,…

  • Charlie and Grace

    Just hang­ing out in the park on a beau­ti­ful fall morning.

  • Playing in Penn Treaty Park

    Just a fun fall day at our favorite park.

  • Grand Opening of New Mitchell and Ness Store

    If you know me, you know I pos­i­tive­ly adore Phillies throw­back jer­seys. Heck, I own three of them per­son­al­ly. My first was a pow­der blue Mike Schmidt ’76 throw­back, fol­lowed by a ’76 Carl­ton home jer­sey. Got a Bur­rell rook­ie jer­sey for my 33rd birth­day this year. (Pat broke into the league wear­ing 33.) So…

  • No Marathon for Me This Year

    I had big plans for the 2010 marathon sea­son after my marathon mess last year. Instead I won’t be run­ning at all. Sit­ting this one out. And I’m major­ly bummed. What hap­pened? For starters, snow. Lots of it. Even if I want­ed to get out­side and gear up for spring races I could­n’t have as…