Category: Doing
From the Desk of J T. Ramsay
Can I just say that last week was a great one? Indulge me and check out what’s going on over at Comcast Voices.
Trap Shooting in the Poconos
We returned to the Sunset Hill Shooting Range for some trap shooting. A good time was had by all. Except for the clay pigeons. They didn’t fare so well. Here’s a video of me shooting a clay pigeon with a 12-gauge shotgun.
My Black Cab Session
Chatted with the sweet crew from Black Cab Sessions tonight after work outside First Unitarian Church. Not sure I was really able to articulate Philadelphia’s music scene, but I gave it a shot. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
A View of Schuylkill River
My View at Sunset
Not half bad, huh? If I’m going to be at work after dark, I can at least enjoy lovely sunsets like this one.