Category: Doing

  • Welcome to Doctober!

    Can­not wait to watch Doc Hal­la­day dis­man­tle the Cincin­nati Reds tonight. I know the talk­ing heads have hyped their staff to death, but they sim­ply don’t match up well. Here’s hop­ing they can stay away from Joey Vot­to and Jay Bruce to reg­u­late the Reds. Doc­to­ber starts tonight!

  • In Love with Louie

    Biggest sur­prise of the sum­mer for this blog­ger? It’s “Louie,” hands down. Marked improve­ment over “Lucky Louise,” his short-lived show on HBO, which last­ed just a sea­son. His raw standup and wry wit were per­fect­ly blend­ed into a more coher­ent nar­ra­tive detail­ing his dai­ly drag. Love when a come­di­an takes on the big issues, makes fun­ny…

  • I Ate a Roast Pork Sandwich

    But it was, like, from the future! Because I used my iPhone! Tony Luke’s nev­er tast­ed so good at Cit­i­zens Bank Park. And then I wrote about that expe­ri­ence for the 700 lev­el.

  • Where Did the Summer Go?

    Can’t believe I’ll be going to my final reg­u­lar sea­son game at the ball­park Fri­day night. Feels like it was­n’t that long ago that I was sit­ting with my fam­i­ly in Nation­als Park, watch­ing Roy Hal­la­day make his Phillies’ debut. I love the MLB post­sea­son, but it’s come to mean an end to so many…

  • Bring Your A’s Game Blog

    Ver­sion 1.0 has launched! Thanks to my man Tim Quiri­no for help­ing get it off the ground. He’s going to be work­ing with me on it as we flesh it out into a Face­book-enabled beast of a blog. The real ques­tion: What sort of stuff should I put on there? I post­ed about our first event,…