Category: Doing
The Bring Your A’s Game Blog
Had an event, launched a blog. Pretty good for a beautiful weekend, no? Check it out!
I’m Going to See Pavement
I guess the only way for me to stomach the Mann Music Center’s outrageous service charges is to buy a ticket from a friend. I don’t get out to shows much these days, but this should feel like jumping into a hot tub time machine back to my Philly music scene heyday, circa 2003. Expect…
I’m on Vacation
Gorging myself on Carolina BBQ and seafood. Enjoying the beautiful weather and water. Savoring every moment with my family. Downside? Pretty much burned to a crisp. I’m not the lifeguard and farmhand I used to be. Times like this make me wish I worked outside!
A Word on Urban Redevelopment
It’s not a social good in and of itself. I also wonder if folks who are all development uber alles still concern themselves with things like “sustainability,” which seems to be a watchword among the gentrifying classes. The knee-jerk reaction to build things like music venues in blighted areas is tantamount to “drill, baby, drill.”…
A Thank You to Readers
I’ve been butchering this blog in one form or another since about 2003. My passion for it has fluctuated over time, ranging from those heady days when I’d try my best to write about politics, or when I ditched that and wrote about movies for a time, or when I just got caught up in…