Category: Doing

  • Another Big Week for Bring Your A’s Game

    My friend and co-work­er Lee Rus­sakoff invit­ed me on his week­ly pod­cast, What’s Your 20, along with John­ny Good­times. You can lis­ten to it here. Some great issues were brought up and I love answer­ing them. There are so many con­tra­dic­tions in sports own­er­ship at this point, what with bank­rupt teams mak­ing big deals at…

  • I’m Living the Meme

    Is that a t‑shirt yet? I coined it this morn­ing, which feels like months in Inter­net time. The beat goes on for Bring Your A’s Game (I promise I’ll write about some­thing else here soon), notch­ing yet anoth­er friend­ly post from Philly guy Dan McQuade over at the hilar­i­ous, awe­some Walkoff Walk. I’ve got more…

  • How I’m Feeling Today

    I wish I were jok­ing when I said that this scene from Step Broth­ers was the inspi­ra­tion for Bring Your A’s Game. It’s been a pret­ty amaz­ing day for the project. Great write-ups at Geekadel­phia and Philebri­ty, great peo­ple reach­ing out, and even more peo­ple join­ing the cause on Facebook! I’m amazed at the lev­el…

  • Awesomest Township Ever?

    Don’t even try dri­ving 55. Great trip to Fort Loudon, PA today to vis­it with the Van Der Grin­tens and fam­i­ly. If you get a chance to go to Cow­an’s Gap, def­i­nite­ly do it. The trail around the lake was love­ly even on a swel­ter­ing day like today.

  • In Praise of Trophy Bike Garage

    Want to give spe­cial thanks to my friend Lois and the rest of the crew at Tro­phy Bike Garage for fix­ing up my bike. It’s back to rid­ing like an absolute dream after giv­ing me a good scare on 17th street. Now I’m back to com­mut­ing to and from work safe­ly, which my fam­i­ly cer­tain­ly…