Category: Doing

  • Charlie’s First Birthday

    Char­lie’s First Birth­day, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. What an amaz­ing day! We cel­e­brat­ed Char­lie’s big day with 60 of his clos­est friends and fam­i­ly. Char­lie’s birth­day had a music theme and rest assured that he’s spend­ing his time turn­ing all the love­ly instru­ments he received into per­cus­sion as best he can. I may be…

  • A Tale of Two Upgrades

    I’ve been pret­ty adamant about how much I love my iPhone. Since Char­lie joined us last year, it’s been my go-to device for all things Inter­net and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. I still break out my much maligned Mac­book for the heavy duty usage, but the iPhone does what I need for the most part. It’s an old, 2G…

  • Erykah Badu and Janelle Monae

    Caught them at the Tow­er The­atre Tues­day night. Cap­ti­vat­ing show. Janelle Mon­ae is an incen­di­ary per­former. I feel bad for any artist who has to fol­low her act. She’s James Brown rein­car­nate with a dash of Sun Ra’s out­er space imagery for good mea­sure. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen any­one sing and dance…


    Yeah, once upon a time I would’ve derid­ed this gig as a shame­less ploy. For­tu­nate­ly peo­ple can change. Can’t wait to see Krautrock pio­neer Michael Rother per­form the music of Neu! at Inter­na­tion­al House in August. Should be a pret­ty amaz­ing experience.

  • I Shopped at FYE

    I know it’s unthink­able, but last Sat­ur­day when I was at the Cher­ry Hill Mall get­ting my dear Mac­book repaired for the umpteenth time, I found myself alone with my son, need­ing to occu­py some time while Helen replen­ished her sum­mer wardrobe. There aren’t many inter­est­ing options when you’re at the mall, so I took…