Category: Doing

  • My Macbook Problems

    Tomor­row I’m head­ed back to the Apple Store at the Cher­ry Hill Mall to fix a prob­lem that began late last year when my hard dri­ve cooked right inside my Mac­book. I went and got the disk replaced in April, but I haven’t real­ly recov­ered from the expe­ri­ence. Sure, my com­put­er works and has a…

  • Grammy and Charlie

    Gram­my and Char­lie, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. I lost my Gram­my Tues­day. I real­ly thought she might live for­ev­er, but bone can­cer took her to the Great Beyond. She was 86. Words can’t describe what Gram­my Hil­da meant to me. She wel­comed my par­ents to Boy­er­town. I grew up on her fam­i­ly’s farm, which…

  • Helen in Tivoli

    Helen in Tivoli, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. Can’t believe it’s been more than a year since we vis­it­ed Den­mark. Pic­tures like this make we won­der why we ever left.

  • Mother’s Day Picnic

    Moth­er’s Day Pic­nic, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. What a great day! Helen, Char­lie, and I just fin­ished up a yum­my pic­nic lunch at the Viet­nam Vet­er­ans Memo­r­i­al near Head­house Square. Delicious! Also, Franklin Square is a pret­ty fun place. The milk­shakes don’t hurt, either!

  • Jamie Moyer Dominates Braves

    Jamie Moy­er Dom­i­nates, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by J T. Ram­say. I went to three games dur­ing the Phillies recent home­s­tand, catch­ing two absolute­ly amaz­ing games and leav­ing before the now infa­mous Taser­ing dur­ing the oth­er one. Turns out all it takes to allay fears of the Phillies being snakebit­ten is Jamie Moy­er draw­ing a bases loaded walk…