Category: Doing

  • Some Thoughts on Synecdoche, New York

    One of the rare plea­sures I had as a video store clerk was being able to enjoy how cus­tomers respond­ed to Char­lie Kauf­man’s work. One such cus­tomer was even eager to check out Don­ald’s stuff after watch­ing Adap­ta­tion! For me, Kauf­man’s scripts were love let­ters to out­siders of all shapes and sizes, for whom the…

  • Joan Didion on Obama

    Maybe you weren’t with me when I linked to Adolph Reed Jr.‘s now infa­mous “Oba­ma No” piece from the pro­gres­sive, but you might find Joan Did­ion’s sober thoughts on the Oba­ma pres­i­den­cy more palat­able. From her essay in the New York Review of Books: No one ever sug­gest­ed that the can­di­date him­self was drink­ing the…

  • Criterion Delays Blu-ray Collection, Again

    Engad­get dropped this lit­tle tid­bit last week about Cri­te­ri­on delay­ing their Blu-ray launch yet again. Do I sus­pect any­thing nefar­i­ous? Not real­ly, but I wish Cri­te­ri­on would recon­sid­er dump­ing mon­ey into a for­mat that will nev­er be adopt­ed in any mean­ing­ful way. I’m hope­ful that their flashy new web­site (pun intend­ed) is an indi­ca­tion that…

  • Smashing Pumpkins Anniversary Tour

    I laughed when I read this at Pitch­fork. They threw a sim­i­lar tantrum when I saw them in July 1996, play­ing 20 plus min­utes of feed­back, alleged­ly because they’d been asked to play longer to avoid traf­fic snarls with the crowd leav­ing a Phillies game. Some things nev­er change, huh? These 90’s reunions would be…

  • I Ran the 2008 Philadelphia Marathon

    Marathon shoes, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. 23 weeks of train­ing came to fruition yes­ter­day as I com­plet­ed the Philadel­phia Marathon in 3:13:33. I ran through three pair of Puma sneak­ers, the last three I had from my Philebri­ty Fit Club win­nings. They served me well. I ran over 750 miles in the…