Category: Doing

  • Save the Fishtown Library!

    Save the Fish­town Library Ral­ly, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Tonight, Helen and I attend­ed the ral­ly to save the Fish­town Library. It was great to see such turnout to save our com­mu­ni­ty library. I’m hope­ful that we’ll be able to find a way to save these pre­cious resources in the face of…

  • Left 4 Dead Opening Cinematic

    It’s been a slow year for new video games for me. I bought Grand Theft Auto 4 at mid­night, then bare­ly played it. I bought Mad­den 2009 and love it, but I’m rarely in the right frame of mind to be active­ly chal­lenged by it. Now there are some deci­sions to make. I’m look­ing for­ward to…

  • Facebook Blows My Mind

    A few weeks ago I start­ed writ­ing a post about how Web 2.0 fails folks like me. I’m glad I did­n’t pub­lish it. Why’d I draft it in the first place? Well, for peo­ple like me who were get­ting out of high school and into col­lege in the mid-nineties, just before the Inter­net went wild,…

  • Marathon Training Update: Hot Split Edition

    This was a ter­ri­ble week for work­outs. It all start­ed with last Sat­ur­day’s late night Phillies win over Tam­pa and got tougher from there. I man­aged Sun­day’s run okay, but then the dread­ed Mon­day night rain­out that end­ed with me drunk and sleep­ing on the couch. (Helen was trav­el­ing, and I don’t take care of…

  • World Fucking Champions

    World Fuck­ing Cham­pi­ons, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. You can bet that I’ll be get­ting this framed in an 8x10. Thanks for a great sea­son, guys! We’re going to miss you, Pat, warts and all.