Category: Doing

  • Marathon Training Update: Gaining Speed

    I’m final­ly get­ting there. I’m up to Week 13 of Hal Hig­don’s Inter­me­di­ate II pro­gram and things are going great. When I start­ed run­ning 18 weeks ago, I had no idea how to approach “race pace” runs. I was so out of shape that I could­n’t even imag­ine where I’d end up for the marathon.…

  • Get Psyched for the New Kanye West Album

    Lis­ten to “Heart­less” and “Cold­est Win­ter” and tell me this won’t be one of 2008’s sick­est albums. At first I thought this would be a des­per­ate release before Wal-Mart cut music out of its floor­plan. I recant!

  • The Phillies Win!

    Today is just unbe­liev­able. Helen and I drank our fill (phill?) at the Mem­phis Tap­room after the game end­ed. It was sim­ply amaz­ing. I can’t believe they’re real­ly going to the World Series. They should do this way more often. Helen and I will be at Game 4! We can’t wait!

  • Dub Colossus — A Town Called Addis

    When two of my favorite crit­ics rec­om­mend some­thing, I lis­ten. First Matt Cibu­la, my favorite world music crit­ic, tipped me to Dub Colos­sus’ new album, A Town Called Addis. Now Jeff Weiss has sec­ond­ed that rec­om­men­da­tion. I’ve lis­tened to the album once and liked what I heard. I’ll be spend­ing more time with it this…

  • What’s Don Draper Doing?

    It would be an under­state­ment to say I’ve been remiss in writ­ing about Mad Men this sea­son. The show con­tin­ues to bog­gle my mind and last night’s episode, “The Jet Set,” was no excep­tion. So while I’m still scratch­ing my head, let me sug­gest you read Alan Sepin­wal­l’s take over at What’s Alan Watching? The…