Category: Doing

  • In Cole We Trust

    Phillies vs. Dodgers, NLCS Game 1, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. I’m pos­i­tive­ly slammed at work today, but I’ll offer my thoughts on the Phils improb­a­ble win in the first game of the NLCS lat­er today.

  • New Xbox Live Experience Comes Nov 19th

    New Xbox Live Expe­ri­ence comes Novem­ber 19th, accord­ing to Giz­mo­do. I’m psy­ched for stream­ing Net­flix through my Xbox 360, but I have to agree with the folks at Crunchgear: avatars are stu­pid.

  • My Attempt at Handmade Pasta

    Hand­made pas­ta with pesto, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Yes­ter­day was pas­ta night in my cook­ing class at the Restau­rant School. For starters, I learned that I need to be more con­fi­dent in my mea­sure­ments when mix­ing wet and dry ingre­di­ents. I’m lucky that the teach­ing staff showed me the error of my…

  • Our Trip to Snipes Farm

    Snipes Farm Trip, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. For the past three years, our cir­cle of friends has made pil­grim­ages to Bucks Coun­ty for our annu­al apple and pump­kin pick­ing extrav­a­gan­za. This year we vis­it­ed the ven­er­a­ble Snipes Farm in Mor­risville, Pa, where we picked fruit and enjoyed cider donuts on a beau­ti­ful…

  • Marathon Training Update: 50 Mile Week Edition

    Yep, you read that right. What­ev­er lin­ger­ing doubts I had about my abil­i­ty to do long mileage were put to rest this week. Not only did I run pain-free, I ran faster than I have in my train­ing thus far. That com­fort trans­lat­ed into a dream­like 20 mil­er yes­ter­day, which Rob and I fin­ished in…