Category: Doing

  • We Can’t Wait for Thursday!

    Unless you could­n’t pull your­self away from anoth­er under­whelm­ing Eagles game, you already know what I’m talk­ing about. Yes, the Phils have advanced to face the Dodgers in the NLCS! It’s a fit­ting match up as both teams swept the oth­er in the reg­u­lar sea­son. They’re a for­mi­da­ble oppo­nent, but I like the Phils in five.…

  • Phillies vs. Brewers, NLDS Game 2 Highlights

    First, there was this: Which made this possible: [via the 700 Lev­el]

  • Phillies vs. Brewers, NLDS Game 2

    Phillies vs. Brew­ers, NLDS Game 2, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Last night’s per­for­mance was amaz­ing. It looked like it would be a dis­as­ter for Brett Myers in the first after he walked in a run, but he ral­lied and car­ried the rest of the team with him. Helen and I had tick­ets in…

  • Phillies in Comcast Center Lobby

    Phillies in Com­cast Cen­ter Lob­by, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. The Phils got a cru­cial play­off win today — their first since 1993 — on the back of Cole Hamels’ mas­ter­ful eight inning per­for­mance. For those of us who could­n’t be at the game, you could’ve caught the game in the Com­cast Cen­ter lobby.…


    Shuck­er!, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by hhan­ni­gan. Did I men­tion that we got oys­ters from Greens­grow recent­ly? Did I also men­tion that I learned to shuck oys­ters from a Ming Tsai video on YouTube? Well I did, and here’s proof.