Category: Doing
Journalists come under fire in Georgian conflict.
It’s interesting to see video like this since we see so little coverage of journalists who’ve been attacked in Iraq. A word of warning: this isn’t for the feint of heart.
I’m updating my wardrobe.
One of the benefits of training for this marathon is that I’ve been losing a lot of weight. Unlike my Philebrity Fit Club experience, this has been a gradual, gratifying process, rather than a sprint to the finish. I’m much happier with the results. Why? Losing 16% of my body mass in two months didn’t…
New Black Mountain Video — “Wucan”
Black Mountain probably just employed the most tired concept for their latest video, “Wucan,” but I’m sure plenty of herbs will go absolutely bonkers for it. As I watched this video I couldn’t help but wish they’d fleshed out the Krautrock from their last album instead of pursuing this Easy Rider nonsense. [via Forkcast]
Scott Walker’s Rejected Bond Theme
The Vulture has a list of the five great rejected themes for James Bond movies. I think Scott Walker’s is my favorite. [via The Vulture]
Should I drink more tea?
Growing up, my family was all about tea. I started boiling water for my Mom’s tea at a very early age and was around it my entire childhood, yet, at about 13, I developed a taste for coffee that’s been with me ever since. It must be from reading too much detective fiction and/or I…