Category: Doing

  • New War on Drugs Video

    My good friend Mark from the Pover­ty Jet Set direct­ed the new War on Drugs video for “A Nee­dle in Your Eye #16.” Hope you like it!

  • New Bon Iver Song — “Blood Bank”

    It’s not “Skin­ny Love,” but it’s a pret­ty nice track by one of my favorite artists of 2007/8. [via My Old Ken­tucky Blog]

  • Radiohead PWN.

    I’ll be writ­ing reck­less­ly about Radio­head­’s cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance at my work blog, Blind­ed by the Hype! In the mean­time, you can check out the setlist from last night’s show in Cam­den, NJ and try to imag­ine being there. Unless you were, in which case, what’d you think? (Here’s the setlist they played when I saw them…

  • I saw King Crimson last night.

    Keswick The­ater, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Last night my friend Bucky and I ven­tured out to leafy Glen­side to see prog rock mon­sters King Crim­son at the Keswick The­ater. They may not play the clas­sics that near­ly every teenage boy mem­o­rizes while gulp­ing down heap­ing help­ings of Ayn Rand, but it’s pret­ty…

  • It’s another busy week.

    Last week was pret­ty unbe­liev­able. I cel­e­brat­ed my third anniver­sary, turned 31, saw the Phils beat the Fish, and went to the Poconos for the week­end, where I ate a ton of smoked pork shoul­der. This week should be more of the same as I check out King Crim­son tonight, Radio­head tomor­row night, take Helen…