Category: Doing

  • Saying Goodbye to My CD Collection

    I start­ed pack­ing up my remain­ing CDs last night. I’ve final­ly real­ized that no mat­ter how often I tell myself that I’ll rip them to a dri­ve, or that I’ll fall in love with the medi­um all over again, they will only col­lect dust in a dark cor­ner of my house. Don’t believe me? Look…

  • Why I Switched to Poster

    You may have noticed some changes here recent­ly. Here’s a hint: fresh con­tent! Want to know my secret? The Poster app! Now I know we’ve all heard that the iPad is not a con­tent-cre­ation device, but I’m find­ing it pret­ty easy myself. In fact, I haven’t reopened my Mac­Book once, not even to change my…

  • What a Difference a Year Makes

    Here I was, ago­niz­ing over the deci­sion to renew my Flickr account for two years. Now I’m glad I did. Wel­come back, Flickr. We missed you.

  • Dressing Well for the World Wide Web

    2012 was a mon­u­men­tal year for me, both per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. One of the things that was trans­for­ma­tive for me was learn­ing to dress well after sev­er­al false starts. If you know me, you know I came from a world of rock tees and torn jeans. Like many guys, the tran­si­tion to work wear was…

  • Introducing Shorter Ramsayings

    I start­ed a linkblog. It com­pris­es links to sto­ries I like about the social web. It’s on Tum­blr. You can find it here.