Category: Doing

  • The pork!

    The pork!, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Our friend Thad lov­ing­ly cared for this pork as it smoked for six­teen hours (pic­tured here at hour twelve.) This includ­ed mon­i­tor­ing it and adding water to the wood chips overnight. He used three ther­mome­ters each of which had a cor­re­spond­ing transpon­der. He kept both transpon­ders…

  • Parklife!

    Park­life!, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. This week­end was an absolute blast. I’m not much for get­ting out in nature–a youth spent on a farm can do that to a body–but the per­fect weath­er and good com­pa­ny went a long way to mak­ing Mikey’s bach­e­lor par­ty a great success. Among the high­lights: the…

  • We emptied the fridge!

    We emp­tied the fridge!, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. Last night was a beau­ti­ful night for grilling. We made the most of it with the help of some great friends.

  • I visited Philly Book Company yesterday.

    If there’s some­thing Philadel­phi­a’s real­ly miss­ing, it’s a book­store like the Strand. What makes the Strand great is the same thing that used to make some record stores great: pro­mos. We need some­thing like this. I thought Philadel­phia Book Com­pa­ny might be the answer, but it isn’t yet. When I wan­dered into the ware­house on Frank­ford,…

  • I’ve had a pretty great week.

    August is with­out ques­tion our busiest month. We had din­ner at Le Vir­tu with our friends Bri­an and Adela Mon­day night. We cel­e­brat­ed our third anniver­sary at the Water­works Restau­rant on Tues­day. Yes­ter­day was my thir­ty-first birth­day, which we enjoyed with a brief stop at the South Philly Tap Room fol­lowed by a Phillies win.…