Category: Doing

  • Marathon Training Report

    If you’ve talked to me late­ly, you prob­a­bly know I’m train­ing for the Philadel­phia Marathon on Novem­ber 23. When I start­ed train­ing six weeks ago, I had no idea how good I’d feel now. I ran 10 miles today. Next week I’m run­ning 11. I’m break­ing per­son­al records each week! It’s been a great expe­ri­ence…

  • Video: Netflix on the Xbox 360 demoed

    This has to be some of the most excit­ing news for Xbox 360 film geeks like me. As I men­tioned when it was first announced, Net­flix will make its “Watch Instant­ly” con­tent avail­able via Xbox Live, a move that beats Sony in the so-called bat­tle for the liv­ing room yet again. As the video demon­strates,…

  • Netflix on Xbox 360

    I can’t express how excit­ed I am about the news that Net­flix’s “Watch Now” con­tent will be avail­able via Xbox Live. This is a tremen­dous step toward treat­ing Xbox 360 as a mul­ti­me­dia plat­form, a play Sony made with the PS3 and failed. Microsoft made a deci­sive move to broad­en the appeal of the Xbox…

  • Music Myths in the Internet Age

    Hype­bot post­ed “5 Lies Indie Musi­cians Tell Them­selves” today. Each of these would’ve been great to dis­cuss on Sat­ur­day’s “Music 2.0” pan­el. They’re great con­ver­sa­tion starters about how the Inter­net has­n’t real­ly changed much for inde­pen­dent artists despite rumors to the contrary. I absolute­ly agree that the Music 2.0 pan­el sand­wiched diverse top­ics togeth­er that…

  • Independent’s Day Music Conference: Music 2.0 Panel

    First I’d like to thank Becky Claw­son for invit­ing me to speak on the Music 2.0 pan­el this past Sat­ur­day. I hope it was as eye-open­ing an expe­ri­ence for my fel­low pan­elists as it was for me. See, I find many “Web 2.0” appli­ca­tions an inte­gral part of my dai­ly life, but I under­stand that…