Category: Doing
Marathon Training Report
If you’ve talked to me lately, you probably know I’m training for the Philadelphia Marathon on November 23. When I started training six weeks ago, I had no idea how good I’d feel now. I ran 10 miles today. Next week I’m running 11. I’m breaking personal records each week! It’s been a great experience…
Video: Netflix on the Xbox 360 demoed
This has to be some of the most exciting news for Xbox 360 film geeks like me. As I mentioned when it was first announced, Netflix will make its “Watch Instantly” content available via Xbox Live, a move that beats Sony in the so-called battle for the living room yet again. As the video demonstrates,…
Netflix on Xbox 360
I can’t express how excited I am about the news that Netflix’s “Watch Now” content will be available via Xbox Live. This is a tremendous step toward treating Xbox 360 as a multimedia platform, a play Sony made with the PS3 and failed. Microsoft made a decisive move to broaden the appeal of the Xbox…
Music Myths in the Internet Age
Hypebot posted “5 Lies Indie Musicians Tell Themselves” today. Each of these would’ve been great to discuss on Saturday’s “Music 2.0” panel. They’re great conversation starters about how the Internet hasn’t really changed much for independent artists despite rumors to the contrary. I absolutely agree that the Music 2.0 panel sandwiched diverse topics together that…
Independent’s Day Music Conference: Music 2.0 Panel
First I’d like to thank Becky Clawson for inviting me to speak on the Music 2.0 panel this past Saturday. I hope it was as eye-opening an experience for my fellow panelists as it was for me. See, I find many “Web 2.0” applications an integral part of my daily life, but I understand that…