Category: Doing

  • I suddenly can’t wait for SXSW.

    I don’t know if it was being out of the office twice last week on work-relat­ed ‘mis­sions,’ or if it’s real­iz­ing that after being faced with an impromp­tu inter­view with one of the best-sell­ing female artists of all time, but indie bands at SXSW should be pret­ty fun. Are you going to be there too? Want…

  • What I did Friday night.

    I spent Fri­day night [and a bit of Sat­ur­day morn­ing] here. More impor­tant­ly, E=MC2 may be big­ger than Eman­ci­pa­tion of Mimi.

  • I’ll be in New York tomorrow.

    So some­thing is def­i­nite­ly hap­pen­ing. I’m hear­ing E=MC2 tomor­row morn­ing, pos­si­bly inter­view­ing (but more like­ly just meet­ing) Mari­ah tomor­row night. I’ll add a short update here Sat­ur­day evening when I’ve recovered.

  • File under expect the unexpected.

    There are a few things we’ve been work­ing on that I don’t gen­er­al­ly share since they’re either busi­ness-relat­ed and there­fore a bit secret, or seem so impos­si­ble that I psy­che myself out that they’ll ever happen. Well, on the day the R.E.M. inter­view fell through [could­n’t lis­ten to the new album any­way, thanks to the…

  • What we should’ve called our neighborhood.

    Late last sum­mer our neigh­bor­hood end­ed up being named Olde Rich­mond after an abortive meet­ing in which an estab­lished orga­ni­za­tion stat­ed its inten­tion to absorb our human resources. So instead of Flat­iron, which many of the locals call this tri­an­gle between Fish­town prop­er and Port Rich­mond, we got Olde Rich­mond, which is embar­rass­ing beyond words.…