Category: Doing

  • A few words on how to treat homelessness.

    From the Inquir­er’s series on home­less­ness in Philadel­phia: Nut­ter has not laid out specifics on how he will address the home­less sit­u­a­tion. Yet change is already afoot. Since Nut­ter took office Jan. 7, police in Cen­ter City’s Ninth Police Dis­trict have begun a “qual­i­ty-of-life ini­tia­tive” in which indi­vid­u­als caught loi­ter­ing, pub­licly intox­i­cat­ed, uri­nat­ing in pub­lic…

  • Let me make a not-so-startling admission.

    You could do worse than nu-gaze. This is my way of say­ing that the new Raveonettes album is com­plete­ly accept­able listening.

  • How many versions of Smile do you have?

    I have two. The sec­ond song seems to be the only dif­fer­ence between them. I ful­ly expect Boris to pro­duce four more ver­sions and for South­ern Lord to only mar­ket one of them. This is actu­al­ly fine.

  • A quick word about the Internet today.

    At this point the Inter­net is a pub­li­cist who gets you the pro­mo you request­ed and nev­er asks ques­tions after that, which is pret­ty great if you ask me. And yeah that Mae Shi album is pret­ty great. These New Puri­tans aren’t half bad either.

  • A quick word about new music.

    The Mae Shi’s Hillyh is pret­ty much exact­ly what I want to be lis­ten­ing to at 5:38 am on a Mon­day morn­ing before head­ing in to the office.