Category: Doing
What An Amazing Christmas
Have to say that having a two and a half year old really reminds you of the true meaning of Christmas, which in my household means going totally bonkers over all the stuff you’re so fortunate to receive as gifts. Had a lovely time with family: great food and drink and company are what make the…
Bought the House a Gift
Thanks to The Wirecutter for this recommendation!
I Want to Run
I want to hide, more accurately. I’ve run just once since Charlie started sleeping more soundly, but that has to change. Not only do I need to run to blow off stress, I need to do a better job of managing my weight. I can’t do that exclusively through exercise though. Something I need to…
Taking Ripfest to the Next Level
You know what makes this blog great? It’s always reminding me of my shortcomings. No, not that I post once a month; that I post resolutions every year and never fulfill them. This year I planned on ripping all my CDs to my MacBook. Didn’t happen. It’s tedious, there’s never time, the litany of excuses goes…
Things the Internet Needs: App Highlander
Want some insight into how much I want to optimize my iPhone usage? I’m searching desperately for charts showing the workflow differences between Instapaper and Safari Reading List. But it’s not limited to that! I struggle with all manner apps. It doesn’t matter if it’s food-related or maps or GTD apps; I need someone who can…