Category: Thinking

  • The Matter of David Grasso’s New Club

    Two local blogs I fol­low dogged­ly now are Plan Philly and Brown­ston­er’s Philly branch. I real­ly got into the for­mer when I start­ed notic­ing bylines from my online bud­dy Bri­an James Kirk. I noticed that the site real­ly picked up steam and was on top of all the cool devel­op­ment issues and the not-so-cool ones,…

  • I Want a Nikon D90

    Marisa’s pic­tures are so gor­geous. She shoots a Nikon D90. Her pic­tures are to me the quin­tes­sence of great pho­to­blog­ging — mak­ing the ordi­nary extra­or­di­nary! I peeped her cam­era on Flickr and now I want to get one for myself. I’ve spent so much mon­ey over the years on mediocre point and shoot cam­eras, as…

  • The Commodore 64

    My post this morn­ing about the Com­modore Vic 20 got me think­ing about how much fun I had with my sec­ond com­put­er, the Com­modore 64, which I’ve rhap­sodized before. One of the games I remem­ber fond­ly is B.C.‘s Quest for Tires. As I may have men­tioned, all of my games were pirat­ed by one of…

  • It’s Time for a Sixers Blog

    I’ve been telling peo­ple for a while that it’s time for Philly bas­ket­ball fans to start blog­ging the Six­ers. I know it sounds like the most excru­ci­at­ing pun­ish­ment short of hav­ing to actu­al­ly play for the team, but that’s how you make this work. See, it’s like this: the team can’t plum­met much fur­ther and…

  • What Philly’s Blogger Tax Really Says About Bloggers

    I was one of the first peo­ple to write about this —  you can read my rather impolitic tweet here — and I hope I’m one of the last. I like what Tom had to say today over at P’unk Ave’s blog, but I’d like to take this a step fur­ther and talk for just…