Category: Thinking

  • How to Improve Netflix

    Yes­ter­day I down­grad­ed our Net­flix account from three DVDs at a time to two. Have I got­ten so much as an email ask­ing me why? Nope! Net­flix may be the most suc­cess­ful com­pa­ny I use that does­n’t seem to care about cater­ing to their sub­scriber base. What makes me say that? Since I signed up,…

  • In Praise of Atlantic City

    Helen, Char­lie and I just spent anoth­er won­der­ful week­end vis­it­ing our friends Frank and Suzanne in Atlantic City. That’s right: Atlantic City. It may not be the ide­al set­ting to try and raise a fam­i­ly, but it’s a com­plete­ly under­rat­ed week­end spot, if you ask me. Sure, we’re lucky; we’ve befriend­ed a cou­ple who invite us…

  • The Trade Deadline, Revisited

    Helen and I had tick­ets to Roy Oswalt’s debut as a Phillie. Wish it had gone bet­ter, but it was still a bril­liant move for the Phillies. Few peo­ple believed that J.A. Happ could dupli­cate his suc­cess­ful rook­ie cam­paign, myself includ­ed. The Oswalt deal gives the Phillies an intim­i­dat­ing rota­tion, espe­cial­ly in a short series.…

  • The Khyber Post-Mortem

    I went to my fare share of shows at the Khy­ber while it last­ed. Was­n’t it great? The stretch they had was noth­ing short of amaz­ing now when I look back on some of the shows I saw there. Sure, there were your obscure psych rock artists like Ghost, city main­stays Bar­do Pond and the…

  • Brad Lidge: Heart Attack Man

    While I’m eter­nal­ly grate­ful to Brad Lidge for mak­ing Eric Hinske a house­hold name here in Philadel­phia, I feel that after two con­sec­u­tive bases-loaded saves he should at least con­sid­er chang­ing his entrance music to the Beast­ie Boys’ thrash track, “Heart Attack Man.”