Category: Thinking
Bring Your A’s Game
Remember how I posted that thing about bringing the Athletics back to Philadelphia this morning? Well, it’s kind of becoming a thing. I just registered a domain for Bring Your A’s Game, a site dedicated to bringing the Athletics back to the City of Brotherly Love. Where does this rank among my quixotic pursuits? Somewhere between…
Bring the A’s Back to Philadelphia
The Athletics are one of baseball’s most nomadic franchises. After originating here in the late nineteenth century and then becoming a modern club in 1901, the A’s have moved twice: first to Kansas City in 1954 and then on to Oakland in 1968, as baseball fans moved west in droves. Now the club is threatening…
How Do You Decide to Buy Criterion Collection DVDs?
Great little post over at Pullquote about how to rationalize adding even more Criterion Collection titles to your personal DVD library. Trust me, I feel this guy’s pain. When I was really a movie hound, especially when I started taking advantage of Deep Discount’s massive biannual sales, I would agonize over which titles to buy.…
Who Do You Follow?
Tell me who you follow! I feel pretty comfortable with Google Reader and Twitter; I’ve amassed quite a collection of personalities there and enjoy them immensely. But I find myself awash in endless reblogs on Tumblr and I wouldn’t know the first thing about who’s worth watching on YouTube. Do people still get into podcasts?…
So Long, Jamie
Sad to see Jamie Moyer suffer a possible career-ending injury at the tender age of 47. In all seriousness, Gramps will be missed. I was at his historic complete game shutout win over the Braves this year. That’s a picture I took of the scoreboard from our seats in Section 143. It was electrifying. Felt like…