Category: Thinking

  • Bring Your A’s Game

    Remem­ber how I post­ed that thing about bring­ing the Ath­let­ics back to Philadel­phia this morn­ing? Well, it’s kind of becom­ing a thing. I just reg­is­tered a domain for Bring Your A’s Game, a site ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing the Ath­let­ics back to the City of Broth­er­ly Love. Where does this rank among my quixot­ic pur­suits? Some­where between…

  • Bring the A’s Back to Philadelphia

    The Ath­let­ics are one of base­bal­l’s most nomadic fran­chis­es. After orig­i­nat­ing here in the late nine­teenth cen­tu­ry and then becom­ing a mod­ern club in 1901, the A’s have moved twice: first to Kansas City in 1954 and then on to Oak­land in 1968, as base­ball fans moved west in droves. Now the club is threat­en­ing…

  • How Do You Decide to Buy Criterion Collection DVDs?

    Great lit­tle post over at Pul­lquote about how to ratio­nal­ize adding even more Cri­te­ri­on Col­lec­tion titles to your per­son­al DVD library. Trust me, I feel this guy’s pain. When I was real­ly a movie hound, espe­cial­ly when I start­ed tak­ing advan­tage of Deep Dis­coun­t’s mas­sive bian­nu­al sales, I would ago­nize over which titles to buy.…

  • Who Do You Follow?

    Tell me who you fol­low! I feel pret­ty com­fort­able with Google Read­er and Twit­ter; I’ve amassed quite a col­lec­tion of per­son­al­i­ties there and enjoy them immense­ly. But I find myself awash in end­less reblogs on Tum­blr and I would­n’t know the first thing about who’s worth watch­ing on YouTube. Do peo­ple still get into pod­casts?…

  • So Long, Jamie

    Sad to see Jamie Moy­er suf­fer a pos­si­ble career-end­ing injury at the ten­der age of 47. In all seri­ous­ness, Gramps will be missed. I was at his his­toric com­plete game shutout win over the Braves this year. That’s a pic­ture I took of the score­board from our seats in Sec­tion 143. It was elec­tri­fy­ing. Felt like…