Category: Thinking
Decisions, Decisions
Who should the Phillies blame for their hitting woes: Milt Thompson, the hitting coach, or Mick Billmeyer for getting caught stealing signs?
This Feels Like Home
I think I’ve finally settled on my ideal WordPress theme. I love the fonts, even if the main header is wonky on article pages. I got people who have insight into fixing stuff like that. (Yes, I’m looking at you, Roz.) I’m also gonna totally cop the follow suite from the bottom of Eric Smith’s…
The Trade Deadline
A co-worker said that it was “depressing” that I was already talking about looking forward to the Phillies next season. I told him that once upon a time I’d have felt that way in April! Times certainly have changed for the Phillies. Watching the media circus around their acquisitions of Cliff Lee and Roy Halladay were…
I Have a Content Problem
My bro Mark sure has a way with words, huh? When he’s not running things at his day job or blogging up a storm at his Tumblr powerhouse, Yvynyl, he and I are usually shooting the breeze over instant messenger. Recently our conversation turned to the sorry state of this blog, which has more or…
Denmark Fifteen Years Later
How have fifteen years already passed? Has it been that long? In case you’re wondering, that’s me with some of my Rotary exchange friends, including Sarah and Jeff, whom I’m both in contact with again thanks to the wondrous powers of Facebook. I don’t remember the exact date we left Newark airport for Denmark, but I…