Category: Thinking

  • Decisions, Decisions

    Who should the Phillies blame for their hit­ting woes: Milt Thomp­son, the hit­ting coach, or Mick Billmey­er for get­ting caught steal­ing signs?

  • This Feels Like Home

    I think I’ve final­ly set­tled on my ide­al Word­Press theme. I love the fonts, even if the main head­er is wonky on arti­cle pages. I got peo­ple who have insight into fix­ing stuff like that. (Yes, I’m look­ing at you, Roz.) I’m also gonna total­ly cop the fol­low suite from the bot­tom of Eric Smith’s…

  • The Trade Deadline

    A co-work­er said that it was “depress­ing” that I was already talk­ing about look­ing for­ward to the Phillies next sea­son. I told him that once upon a time I’d have felt that way in April! Times cer­tain­ly have changed for the Phillies. Watch­ing the media cir­cus around their acqui­si­tions of Cliff Lee and Roy Hal­la­day were…

  • I Have a Content Problem

    My bro Mark sure has a way with words, huh? When he’s not run­ning things at his day job or blog­ging up a storm at his Tum­blr pow­er­house, Yvynyl, he and I are usu­al­ly shoot­ing the breeze over instant mes­sen­ger. Recent­ly our con­ver­sa­tion turned to the sor­ry state of this blog, which has more or…

  • Denmark Fifteen Years Later

    How have fif­teen years already passed? Has it been that long? In case you’re won­der­ing, that’s me with some of my Rotary exchange friends, includ­ing Sarah and Jeff, whom I’m both in con­tact with again thanks to the won­drous pow­ers of Facebook. I don’t remem­ber the exact date we left Newark air­port for Den­mark, but I…