Category: Thinking
Get Ready for the 2010 Phillies
As my two favorite Phillies blogs, Beerleaguer and the Fightins, vie for the title of best Phillies blog over at the Phield, I look forward to Monday’s Opening Day game against the Nationals, with tickets courtesy of former Nationals right fielder Elijah Dukes. (Thanks, dude! I hope you find a team soon!) This is our third…
My Macbook Needs Help
I recently had a stroke of bad luck with my otherwise marvelous Macbook. It was acting funny, so I tried to restart. It stalled out and I tried doing a hard reboot. Oops. I found myself staring at a grey screen, the fan whirring out of control. Fun! Now I’m trying to figure out whether I…
A Quick Word on Jack Rose
I was at a wedding when I got word that Jack had died. It felt like a punch in the gut. I didn’t know him particularly well, but well enough to say hi when I saw him around town. He lived around the corner from me here in Port Fishington, and I’d often see him…
My Time at TLA Video
The past ten years were host to the greatest challenges and joys of my life. I started the decade as a tough-minded grad student at the New School for Social Research. Somewhere along the way I turned an unpaid hobby into a career. Crazy, huh? In between times, I made the best out of underemployment,…
Resolutions, I’ve Made a Few
I’m looking over the resolutions I made last year. Hilarious! Apart from finally finding a theme I could live with and a couple easy plug-ins for the right rail, I’ve done nothing that even resembles my goals for the year. In light of this I’m going to take some advice from Paul Rudd’s character ‘Kunu’…