Category: Thinking

  • Get Ready for the 2010 Phillies

    As my two favorite Phillies blogs, Beer­lea­guer and the Fight­ins,  vie for the title of best Phillies blog over at the Phield, I look for­ward to Mon­day’s Open­ing Day game against the Nation­als, with tick­ets cour­tesy of for­mer Nation­als right field­er Eli­jah Dukes. (Thanks, dude! I hope you find a team soon!) This is our third…

  • My Macbook Needs Help

    I recent­ly had a stroke of bad luck with my oth­er­wise mar­velous Mac­book. It was act­ing fun­ny, so I tried to restart. It stalled out and I tried doing a hard reboot. Oops. I found myself star­ing at a grey screen, the fan whirring out of con­trol. Fun! Now I’m try­ing to fig­ure out whether I…

  • A Quick Word on Jack Rose

    I was at a wed­ding when I got word that Jack had died. It felt like a punch in the gut. I did­n’t know him par­tic­u­lar­ly well, but well enough to say hi when I saw him around town. He lived around the cor­ner from me here in Port Fish­ing­ton, and I’d often see him…

  • My Time at TLA Video

    The past ten years were host to the great­est chal­lenges and joys of my life. I start­ed the decade as a tough-mind­ed grad stu­dent at the New School for Social Research. Some­where along the way I turned an unpaid hob­by into a career. Crazy, huh? In between times, I made the best out of under­em­ploy­ment,…

  • Resolutions, I’ve Made a Few

    I’m look­ing over the res­o­lu­tions I made last year. Hilar­i­ous! Apart from final­ly find­ing a theme I could live with and a cou­ple easy plug-ins for the right rail, I’ve done noth­ing that even resem­bles my goals for the year. In light of this I’m going to take some advice from Paul Rud­d’s char­ac­ter ‘Kunu’…