Category: Thinking
They’re Just Not That into You
I know insiders claim that people are listening to music now more than ever before, but what if people are just not as interested in new music as they used to be? Has perceived demand for new product outstripped consumer interest? The answer is easy. Search your heart. Everything will be easier if you can…
Tragic Tuesdays
Tobias Carroll and I have been having a spirited back and forth over at his blog, the Scowl, where we’ve been discussing how best to incorporate leaks into the editorial calendar. I argue that leaks are an industry norm that need to be treated as such, rather than an aberrant behavior better ignored. He writes: And given…
The Release Date Ritual
Thinking about the music industry's continued commitment to release dates got me thinking about the Royal Tenenbaums. You remember the scene where Eli Cash is on a show very similar to Charlie Rose and he says, "Wildcat...was written in a kind of obsolete vernacular"? I think release dates are part of the music industry's obsolete…
After the Gold Rush
Call me crazy, but I think the music industry is broken. Sure, it’s still possible for bands and managers and labels to make money, but it’s getting increasingly difficult to do so. The contributing factors are too numerous to mention, so I’m only going to address the one I can control in my professional life:…