Category: Thinking

  • Optimizing My Home Entertainment Center

    Excit­ing, I know, but I’ve real­ly reached a cross­roads with my cur­rent set­up. See, I’m old enough to remem­ber when music crit­ics like Yancey and Sasha suf­fered some pret­ty amaz­ing hard dri­ve crash­es in the last decade. They spent time rip­ping their discs to hard dri­ves, only to watch their col­lec­tions van­ish, thanks to hard­ware…

  • Enjoying the 2011 Philadelphia Phillies

    Love when my reg­u­lar morn­ing reads include Beer­lea­guer, Crash­burn Alley, Phillies Nation and more of my favorite Phillies blogs. Fol­low­ing the games on Twit­ter is a treat, although Chris @LONG_DRIVE isn’t in mid­sea­son form, yet. Miss check­ing the Fight­ins for all the great flubs. I caught a bad typo on the new Phillies score­board at…

  • In Praise of

    Remem­ber when music start-ups were such a source of frus­tra­tion for me? Now I real­ly enjoy some of them! Chief among them is, which my friend Mark showed me just the oth­er day. Pos­si­bly the most use­ful Google Chrome exten­sion that does­n’t involve a Google product. What does it do? It sniffs out all…

  • Sad Social Media Commentary on the Fishtown Library

    I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Save the Library protest back in Novem­ber 2008. When I recent­ly vis­it­ed, I checked into Foursquare. If I check in again, I’ll be may­or of the joint. At a time when peo­ple are check­ing into Wawa, you’d think at least a hand­ful of folks would still be will­ing to pop in…

  • Whither Original Geek Jobs?

    When I was grow­ing up, I always dreamt of work­ing at a record store. Whether I was in Kutz­town, NYC or Philly, I’d always drop off an appli­ca­tion and say a prayer for a few hours a week at a cool shop, most­ly to sub­si­dize my record habit. Now those gigs, along with sim­i­lar ones…