Category: Thinking

  • Toward a Healthier, Wealthier Me

    Final­ly learn­ing an object les­son in sav­ing mon­ey: pack­ing my lunch last week not only meant eat­ing bet­ter and health­i­er than usu­al, but I saved more than enough mon­ey to cov­er din­ner at Bar­buz­zo, includ­ing drinks and tip!

  • Merry Christmas, Everyone!

    We went over­board. Way over­board. I’m head­ing home two days ear­ly to move Char­lie’s old toys to the base­ment. Don’t wor­ry; there are more toys where those came from. Are there ever! Me? Amaz­ing. Over­whelmed. Ever agree to keep Christ­mas small this year, just focus on the kids? What a way to be exposed as a…

  • What Cliff Lee Means to Me

    I ran a quick search of the archives here at Ram­say­ings before I start­ed writ­ing this post. Felt sure I’d writ­ten about Cliff Lee before, because, real­ly, how has any­one with an inter­est in the Phillies not writ­ten about him? Whether it was his acqui­si­tion at the dead­line in ’09 or his inex­plic­a­ble trade before…

  • A Word on Music Discovery

    I don’t know how many YEARS it took me to final­ly real­ize Ein­sturzende Neubaut­en were cool, but it took an awful­ly long time. And they were favor­ably com­pared to bands I liked all the while. So while it’s cheap­er to down­load some­thing today, it does­n’t mean peo­ple will instan­ta­neous­ly hit that tip­ping point, even if…

  • I Love Roy Oswalt

    Now that it’s sunk in that our sea­son’s over, all I can think about how much I love Roy Oswalt. Why? Because he was an absolute stud down the stretch. Because he accept­ed play­ing sec­ond fid­dle when he’s an ace on most staffs around the league. Because he played left field! To top it all…