• Anil Dash on Streams and Pages

    We can't dip our toe into the stream and learn by osmosis.

  • The Golden Age of Content Strategy

    Your time and attention are still very valuable possessions. Cherish them.

  • The Philadelphia Phillies: End of An Era

    The last two sea­sons have been tough in Philadel­phia. After a glo­ri­ous run as one of the best team’s in base­ball, the Phillies crashed back to Earth. Char­lie Manuel, a beloved fig­ure for any­one who’s fol­lowed the Phils, was tossed aside. Roy Hal­la­day, a play­er who more than any­one made Philadel­phia a des­ti­na­tion for free…

  • No Goal But Mileage

    It’s been a while since I called myself a run­ner. After run­ning con­sec­u­tive marathons in ’08 and ’09, I took a long hia­tus. Turns out being awake all hours with a sleep­less infant isn’t con­ducive to dis­tance run­ning. I tried com­ing back in clas­sic couch-to-marathon style last year, only to injure myself about halfway through…

  • What’s the Future of Blogging?

    Two inter­est­ing things about blog­ging lately: First from Mar­co Arment Writ­ers: You don’t need Medi­um. You can host your own blog on your own domain with lots of oth­er tools and hosts. Be your own “platform”. — Mar­co Arment (@marcoarment) July 31, 2013 Then from Robert Scoble on why he’s using G+ and Face­book for blog­ging.…