• Help me update my blogroll.

    As Tom Brei­han wrote in his return post on Dip Dip Dive, my blogroll is also in seri­ous need of an update. I’ve got a few ideas for what I want to put in there, but let me know about your favorite blogs. I’m sub­scrib­ing to more all the time and I’ve got­ten to know…

  • I think I have a new favorite blog.

    Some­times we all need a lit­tle FAIL to help us gain per­spec­tive, even when you’re hav­ing a great week (third anniver­sary, 31st birth­day too.) I’ll have more about the Water­works Restau­rant and sundry oth­er things lat­er tonight. In the mean­time, enjoy this win­try madness!

  • We’ll do it live!

    It’s the all new, trans­form­ing Black­mail Is My Life, brought to you by Click­Pop­Me­dia. Expect to see more tweaks as Chris imag­ines them. I hope you like it. (I’m sure I’m alone in this, but the lat­est ver­sion of Word­Press is a daz­zling CMS.)

  • New Primal Scream Video — “Can’t Go Back”

    They should take their own advice. You real­ly can’t go back. I will col­lect my thoughts on my dear­ly beloved, yet woe­ful­ly mis­guid­ed Pri­mal Scream as well as Spir­i­tu­al­ized after I see them at the TLA this Tues­day. I think I’m swim­ming in full-blown ’90’s nos­tal­gia at this point. Any­one else lov­ing the reis­sued edi­tion of…

  • How FriendFeed Fails

    I was prais­ing Friend­Feed a short month ago in these very pages, but I’ve come to real­ize that what Friend­Feed will nev­er replace Twit­ter and its ilk as long as it remains a most­ly pas­sive inter­face. Sure, it’s a great way to keep track of what’s hap­pen­ing with your friends as they use social media,…