• My Defense of Beck’s New Album

    I took some time yes­ter­day to read reviews of Beck­’s Mod­ern Guilt yes­ter­day and was dis­pleased with what I saw. Do I think it’s his great­est album? Nope. Do I think it holds up pret­ty well against his most recent mate­r­i­al? Absolute­ly. In fact, I think it’s the most under­rat­ed album of the year. Could…

  • Independent’s Day Music Conference

    I’m going to be on a Music 2.0 pan­el on Sat­ur­day at Drex­el Uni­ver­si­ty. You can get the details here. You may wit­ness some unin­ten­tion­al hilar­i­ty as I talk about the Web 2.0 worm­hole and how it’s not rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the music indus­try, just frag­ment­ing it some more. Can you believe it’s been ten years since…

  • Try FriendFeed

    I know you’re prob­a­bly com­plete­ly under­whelmed by Twit­ter and its tech­ni­cal glitch­es, so maybe it’s time to con­sid­er using Friend­Feed. At first it’s prob­a­bly a lit­tle too much Web 2.0 to process, but if you give it a chance you’ll find your­self spend­ing way less time pok­ing around the web to see what your friends…

  • Netflix Abandoning User Profiles

    How can Net­flix pos­si­bly squan­der its rich oppor­tu­ni­ties to exploit its inher­ent­ly social fea­tures? When I got notice that user pro­files would be abol­ished effec­tive Sep­tem­ber 1st, I was aghast. Why would any site elim­i­nate such a use­ful tool for its users as they try to avail them­selves of the vast con­tent offer­ing in an…

  • Looks like we have a winner.

    I had a great con­ver­sa­tion with Chris from Click­Pop­Me­dia Sat­ur­day about the future of this blog. Let’s say it’s very bright. What’s in store, you ask? Think gal­lons of data flow­ing through the strip: I’m not going to go nuts and try to dri­ve every­thing I cram into Friend­Feed in here, but there’ll be plen­ty…