Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!, originally uploaded by Blackmail Is My Life. I know I’m a day early, but I don’t get down to Isgro’s Pastries every day.
What’s in the works?
I’m still working on turning this blog into something a bit more vital. I’m looking into pulling RSS feeds from my Twitter and Tumblr, as well as Flickr photos, to turn Blackmail Is My Life into a living document of what I’m into from moment to moment. I think it’ll be a great change of…
Things I’m working on.
Another quick update: I’m tweeting like a fool here. Even if you think Twitter isn’t for you, you should just give it a try. It won’t hurt you, and it might even be a bit of fun. Really! I had a great meeting to discuss the redesign of this very blog last Wednesday. It’s going…
Maybe it’s different in the startup world.
I was catching up on Valleywag this morning — they have SXSW too, and it’s even nerdier — when I came across this item that caught my eye. Mahalo CEO Jason Calcanis writes: Don’t buy a phone system. No one will use it. No one at Mahalo has a desk phone except the admin folks.…
SXSW had me playing Head Games.
If you’re not totally Comcastic, you can check out most of my SXSW coverage at Head Games, the official blog of Game Invasion. Hats off to my producer and venerable video team for helping me learn some of the video communication basics. It’s hard to believe that all of our work could be cut down…