• Happy Mother’s Day!

    Hap­py Moth­er’s Day!, orig­i­nal­ly uploaded by Black­mail Is My Life. I know I’m a day ear­ly, but I don’t get down to Isgro’s Pas­tries every day.

  • What’s in the works?

    I’m still work­ing on turn­ing this blog into some­thing a bit more vital. I’m look­ing into pulling RSS feeds from my Twit­ter and Tum­blr, as well as Flickr pho­tos, to turn Black­mail Is My Life into a liv­ing doc­u­ment of what I’m into from moment to moment. I think it’ll be a great change of…

  • Things I’m working on.

    Anoth­er quick update: I’m tweet­ing like a fool here. Even if you think Twit­ter isn’t for you, you should just give it a try. It won’t hurt you, and it might even be a bit of fun. Really! I had a great meet­ing to dis­cuss the redesign of this very blog last Wednes­day. It’s going…

  • Maybe it’s different in the startup world.

    I was catch­ing up on Val­ley­wag this morn­ing — they have SXSW too, and it’s even nerdier — when I came across this item that caught my eye. Maha­lo CEO Jason Cal­ca­n­is writes: Don’t buy a phone sys­tem. No one will use it. No one at Maha­lo has a desk phone except the admin folks.…

  • SXSW had me playing Head Games.

    If you’re not total­ly Com­cas­tic, you can check out most of my SXSW cov­er­age at Head Games, the offi­cial blog of Game Inva­sion. Hats off to my pro­duc­er and ven­er­a­ble video team for help­ing me learn some of the video com­mu­ni­ca­tion basics. It’s hard to believe that all of our work could be cut down…