• And I’m back.

    I still have a few more wrap-up posts due over at Blind­ed by the Hype, but then I’ll be back here post­ing about how few bands I actu­al­ly saw in Austin. I feel like the only sou­venirs I picked up in Texas were stress, exhaus­tion and a ter­ri­ble sunburn.

  • Like the multitudinous hordes, I’m in Austin too.

    And I’m twit­ter­ing. Check it out, if you’re into that sort of thing. It’s like a writer­ly safe­ty valve thus far.

  • Can you answer this question for me?

    Why is it that now that I own an iPhone, I sud­den­ly think the iPhone com­mer­cial theme is the same as Motel 6? Have these awful, painful Apple ear­buds dri­ven me to mad­ness? I think that’s entire­ly possible.

  • This should be considered a product endorsement.

    So a lit­tle while ago I splurged and bought a pair of Ety­mot­ic Research 6i Iso­la­tor ear­phones. They’re excel­lent. But I’m not writ­ing to extoll their virtue on the basis of per­for­mance alone. No, I’m writ­ing this morn­ing because I ran them through the laun­dry — washed and dried — like an absolute dunce. I…

  • I’m a little overwhelmed.

    I’m lit­er­al­ly drown­ing in new music, no thanks to the pub­li­cists who send me count­less emails to at least three email address­es and rarely deliv­er any actu­al music. I know that it’s passe to com­plain about pub­li­cists and that most peo­ple find ways around them any­way, but I feel that if bands knew how mis­man­aged…