I suddenly can’t wait for SXSW.
I don’t know if it was being out of the office twice last week on work-related ‘missions,’ or if it’s realizing that after being faced with an impromptu interview with one of the best-selling female artists of all time, but indie bands at SXSW should be pretty fun. Are you going to be there too? Want…
What I did Friday night.
I spent Friday night [and a bit of Saturday morning] here. More importantly, E=MC2 may be bigger than Emancipation of Mimi.
I’ll be in New York tomorrow.
So something is definitely happening. I’m hearing E=MC2 tomorrow morning, possibly interviewing (but more likely just meeting) Mariah tomorrow night. I’ll add a short update here Saturday evening when I’ve recovered.
File under expect the unexpected.
There are a few things we’ve been working on that I don’t generally share since they’re either business-related and therefore a bit secret, or seem so impossible that I psyche myself out that they’ll ever happen. Well, on the day the R.E.M. interview fell through [couldn’t listen to the new album anyway, thanks to the…
What we should’ve called our neighborhood.
Late last summer our neighborhood ended up being named Olde Richmond after an abortive meeting in which an established organization stated its intention to absorb our human resources. So instead of Flatiron, which many of the locals call this triangle between Fishtown proper and Port Richmond, we got Olde Richmond, which is embarrassing beyond words.…