• Let us all praise disco.

    There’s this and this. Then this and this. But then also this, this and that. Is some seri­ous trend­fuck­ing some­how not in order? Not to say that dis­co does­n’t deserve anoth­er chance, but does it have to be like this? Is some­thing not artis­ti­cal­ly suc­cess­ful unless it rad­i­cal­izes the main­stream by becom­ing main­stream? Isn’t this…

  • Want to hear something awesome?

    Check out Rup­ture’s Mud­dUp! great pod­cast at WFMU. Wait until the Dex­plic­it exclu­sive. Then wait for the ‘Kiss Kiss’ remix. I’m fond of that song, and the New Young Pony Club remix too. It’s rare that I put the words ‘great’ and ‘pod­cast’ togeth­er, but Rup­ture’s a natural.

  • You may notice some changes.

    A few quick things: I’ve delet­ed my upcoming.org account. First off, it was a pret­ty lame social net­work. Sec­ond, the thought of Microsoft mak­ing it even less fun chilled me to the core. I’m going with Google cal­en­dar from here on out. Flickr makes me ner­vous too. Del.icio.us, both bor­ing and use­ful, seems per­fect­ly adapt­able…

  • This road, it is sometimes bumpy.

    I can’t say too much about this for pro­fes­sion­al rea­sons, but music in the infor­ma­tion age is a strange busi­ness that does­n’t often make much sense. There’s also a part of me that wish­es that some­one out there would look past the self-inter­est­ed rhetoric and take this as a chal­lenge to envi­sion some­thing tru­ly spectacular.

  • Is it time for a Fassbinder marathon?

    Yes. And it’s long over­due. Thoughts on Love Is Cold­er Than Death and Gods of the Plague shortly. Also: maybe we could be Net­flix friends?