• There’s at least one thing I have in common with T.I.

    And it’s not just ini­tials. I’m very excit­ed about a few things in the off­ing at my day job. I’ll be sure to post links to them when they run. Big things, friends. In all hon­esty, it’s amaz­ing to have a job that I a.) real­ly care about and b.) care about because I’m allowed…

  • Things move very quickly sometimes.

    It feels real­ly good to be able to make M.I.A.‘s Kala my pick of the week at work. I real­ly need to fol­low Jason Her­skow­itz’s lead and just jump into the fray of Web 2.0 and test every­thing — which is me invit­ing you to make sug­ges­tions about com­mu­ni­ties you use. That said, I ful­ly…

  • The laws have changed.

    As the New Pornog­ra­phers’ new­ness ends, their fans seem to grow more irri­tat­ing. Con­fi­den­tial to Rob Mitchum: brace your­self for some ridicu­lous hatemail. [NB: Mitchum’s dig on Elec­tric Ver­sion real­ly cap­tured how betrayed I felt by that album…and every last blog­ger falling over itself to con­grat­u­late New Pornog­ra­phers for repeat­ing his­to­ry. They did­n’t. Nice songs,…

  • It’s Monday at Yoyodyne Industries.

    Just fin­ished V. Don’t know what I think about it yet. My short response is I think we’d be much bet­ter off if more polit­i­cal nov­els were writ­ten that way, that is, cir­cum­spect in their analy­sis of right and wrong, while pre­serv­ing a stri­dent moral clar­i­ty. Maybe Kurt Mon­dau­gen’s sto­ry embar­rassed Pyn­chon as a crude…

  • A schlemihl writes an ode.

    I just wrote a long com­ment at All Things Girls Can Tell, which I auto­mat­i­cal­ly real­ized may be the only time I’ve ever actu­al­ly brought my aca­d­e­m­ic train­ing to bear on South St., where I worked slav­ish­ly for over two years at TLA Video on 4th St. To me South St.‘s decline rep­re­sents the acqui­es­cence…