• A schlemihl takes a vacation.

    Down here in Wild­wood, enjoy­ing some wi-fi, try­ing not to get too much sun all at once, watch­ing the Phils mount yet anoth­er come­back, post­ing 10 runs on the woe­ful Pirates. Dou­ble mean­while: I’m talk­ing with this guy about com­plete­ly over­haul­ing Black­mail Is My Life, mov­ing it off of /blog to its right­ful dot com…

  • We’re trying out for Manfred Mann’s role in the school play.

    As busy as usual: Old Joy proved more love­ly than I expect­ed, rem­i­nis­cent of the 70’s films I love rather than just being a flim­sy imi­ta­tion. Beau­ti­ful­ly shot, ellip­ti­cal and brief, it’s a movie that gives you a lot to think about with­out clang­ing you over the head with polit­i­cal pots and pans or over­wrought exis­ten­tial…

  • A quick one while I’m away.

    Things are busier than ever. This week I also start full-time, which is pret­ty excit­ing. I’m work­ing on a new blog [still in stag­ing] for work that I’m real­ly excit­ed about. It’s not any­thing spe­cial yet, but the pos­si­bil­i­ties, o the pos­si­bil­i­ties! I can’t wait for it to launch and grow into some­thing more sophisticated.…

  • You’ve got your cherry bomb!

    Why oh why did Paper Thin Walls get the rough­est redesign since Chris Ott beset Per­fect Sound For­ev­er with mono­chro­mat­ic grey? I love the new fea­tures [well, at least the stream­ing album stuff] but it’s pre­sent­ed in such a jum­ble. And now my old home the Bull­horn looks bland­er than a bowl of cool por­ridge.…

  • I believe it would be easier to stomach science fiction.

    Some­thing I haven’t done late­ly, at least not since about 2003, is talk pol­i­tics here, or at least talk pol­i­tics very seri­ous­ly. Or at all. I can bare­ly remem­ber being the enthu­si­as­tic adjunct who was rac­ing around intern­ing at a labor think tank while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly tend­ing to duties as a research assis­tant. Those were heady,…