A schlemihl takes a vacation.
Down here in Wildwood, enjoying some wi-fi, trying not to get too much sun all at once, watching the Phils mount yet another comeback, posting 10 runs on the woeful Pirates. Double meanwhile: I’m talking with this guy about completely overhauling Blackmail Is My Life, moving it off of /blog to its rightful dot com…
We’re trying out for Manfred Mann’s role in the school play.
As busy as usual: Old Joy proved more lovely than I expected, reminiscent of the 70’s films I love rather than just being a flimsy imitation. Beautifully shot, elliptical and brief, it’s a movie that gives you a lot to think about without clanging you over the head with political pots and pans or overwrought existential…
A quick one while I’m away.
Things are busier than ever. This week I also start full-time, which is pretty exciting. I’m working on a new blog [still in staging] for work that I’m really excited about. It’s not anything special yet, but the possibilities, o the possibilities! I can’t wait for it to launch and grow into something more sophisticated.…
You’ve got your cherry bomb!
Why oh why did Paper Thin Walls get the roughest redesign since Chris Ott beset Perfect Sound Forever with monochromatic grey? I love the new features [well, at least the streaming album stuff] but it’s presented in such a jumble. And now my old home the Bullhorn looks blander than a bowl of cool porridge.…
I believe it would be easier to stomach science fiction.
Something I haven’t done lately, at least not since about 2003, is talk politics here, or at least talk politics very seriously. Or at all. I can barely remember being the enthusiastic adjunct who was racing around interning at a labor think tank while simultaneously tending to duties as a research assistant. Those were heady,…