It was either the lighting or you were green with envy.
Now that the the hoopla has passed, this is really funny. At 30,000 feet, the iPhone seems as popular as the polio vaccine; at ground level I think I know one guy who bought one.
The Fourth always makes me think of Better Than Ezra.
My last — and probably best — review is up at Paper Thin Walls. Alan is a gracious, funny interview. I haven’t listened to Drums and Guns in a bit, but I may revisit it today. I have to put a midpoint ’07 list together, and “Hatchet” will probably make the singles list. Tonight? Ratatouille! [In…
But what if Angela Lansbury committed all those murders herself?
Sure I’m late to this, but check out KYW’s video about Mayor Street’s iPhone snafu and you’ll find me holding a mic. Here’s the footage we got with the Mayor as well as the woman who confronted him with a special guest appearance by Larry West! I had an amazing talk with Matthew and Eleanor Friedberger…
We got down to the nitty-gritty and talked about quality-of-life crimes.
Not only does SiCKO expose the HMO problem effectively, it also is like a travel guide for a better quality of life. In fact, it introduced those who waited for the credits to this. In all seriousness, Moore finally manages to make a film that lives up to the promise of Roger & Me, the…
What would Antonio Negri do?
I’ve crossed over into total film dweeb status. Not a film geek, mind you; I haven’t paid close attention to what’s new and noteworthy since I left the video store, and even less since I left TLA altogether [it’s been almost a year already: wow] so when I read Ousmane Sembene’s obituary a week and…