• Are you gonna finish your fries?

    Lil’ Wayne’s Da Drought 3 mix­tape got on my radar yes­ter­day morn­ing. Last night it made it’s way into my top ten list. I know, I know: mea cul­pa, mea cul­pa, mea max­i­ma cul­pa. Maybe it’s this year’s Fish­scale or Hell Hath No Fury. Call me a tokenist, but I don’t think I’m alone in…

  • It doesn’t change the fact that it’s outrageously expensive.

    The first wave of reviews are in from all the usu­al sus­pects. [I’d link to David Pogue’s iPhone video diary, but it crashed on me and I sus­pect it’ll be doing that for a lit­tle while at least. Here’s Walt Moss­berg’s video instead.] It’s not sur­pris­ing that every­one loves the iPhone with few reser­va­tions, most…

  • I promise that you’ll only feel a pinch.

    If you haven’t already seen Jon­estown, a doc­u­men­tary film about the Jon­estown mas­sacre, please do. Not only does it shed light on Jim Jones’ shad­owy world of deceit and con­trol, but it also gives evi­dence as to why folks would’ve been freaked out by social­ist utopi­ans. Of course, freaked out above and beyond the mas­sive…

  • He wrote under the spell of a sleepwalking consciousness.

    “At sev­en­teen I ran away from home. I think every decent per­son should run away from home.” M remind­ed me what a Fritz Lang nut I am. I’ve seen the Mabuse pic­tures, Metrop­o­lis of course and a few of his Amer­i­can pro­duc­tions, but M real­ly is some­thing else. Peter Lor­re’s per­for­mance alone — so expres­sive, so…

  • You might try getting out more often.

    Since my plea for advice re: music to look out for I’ve got­ten sev­er­al love­ly respons­es. Thank you very much! A quick update on what’s hap­pen­ing with Black­mail Is My Life: Major car pur­chase like tomor­row. Not music relat­ed, until you fac­tor in the sweet iPod jack Prius­es have standard. Awe­some fun tak­ing pic­tures with Helen’s…