• Youth Lagoon ‑Wondrous Bughouse

    Youth Lagoon’s Won­drous Bug­house is a haunt­ed cir­cus of a record. It rivals Clin­ic’s Free Reign II for dark psy­che­del­ic mas­ter­piece of the year.

  • Hawkeye: My Life as a Weapon

    The way MTV Geek’s Alex Zal­ben described Hawk­eye to Jesse Thorn on Bulls­eyemade it sound like Amer­i­can Splen­dor with a bow and arrow. He was­n’t wrong. I just fin­ished read­ing #10 and I’m ready for more.  Beau­ti­ful­ly drawn and bril­liant­ly writ­ten, Hawkeye’s life out­side the Avengers is pos­i­tive­ly spell­bind­ing. The issue ded­i­cat­ed to Hur­ri­cane Sandy may…

  • Vikings — Season One

    After a binge view­ing ses­sion while I was home sick dur­ing Watchathon (hon­est!), His­to­ry Chan­nel’s new show, Vikings, became one of my favorite shows on TV. The first sea­son just end­ed, but if you’re look­ing for Sons of Anar­chy set in the Dark Ages, then this is the show for you.

  • Why I’m Switching to Android

    I wrote about renew­ing my iPhone vows about a month ago. I’m chang­ing my mind. Why? A com­bi­na­tion of curios­i­ty and convenience. I’m not going to dis­count the num­ber of posts from influ­encers like Matthew Ingram, Guy Kawasa­ki and Robert Scoble, but the tip­ping point was real­ly friends who’ve adopt­ed Android with their lat­est phones.…

  • Clinic — Free Reign II

    It took a while, but with Free Reign II, Clin­ic have redis­cov­ered the spooky, sleepy psy­che­delia that made Inter­nal Wran­gler and Walk­ing With Thee so dark and magical.