But who, pray tell, is the loneliest monk?
Zoilus’ Carl Wilson donates his two cents to Destination: Out’s ’90’s jazz poll [part three here.] I think that what Carl’s on to is that it’s hard to argue for any genre after it’s passed the idiomatic baton to the Next Big Thing. But, as the commenter rightly notes, lists are great too, especially when…
We can certainly sympathize.
Cocaine Blunts gets meta, criticizes goldrush/flavor of the month blogging, and notes the viral marketing aspect of so much rap blogging. From the blog: Despite often being branded with the term “tastemaker,†most rap bloggers (and most music writers by and large) have no taste. [1] And I don’t mean they have bad taste. That would…
They thought of jazz in a time of flannel.
Destination: Out’s Best Jazz of the ‘90’s poll is really great because too many casual fans are afraid to think about jazz past the ‘70’s. Check out parts one and two now! And so far Joe Lovano has only been mentioned once. He’s a fine player but as a co-worker/jazz aficionado once told me, “He’s…
The days keep growing longer and longer.
I made the command decision over the weekend to give up freelance music criticism, at least for now. I think the new job takes up the slack and, with luck, I’ll be able to do some creative things there shortly. And by creative, I mean interview Rihanna or something like that. Meanwhile, a list of things…
You soon will be a goddamn man!
This might be playing near where you live. If you’re a fan of Cassavetes, you’ll love the way Burnett presents the characters and story in his 1977 masterpiece, Killer of Sheep. Read more about Charles Burnett here.