• I don’t have anything personal, nothing of value…

    “Except my keys!” Watched this again Sat­ur­day night. Still like it more than Blow-Up. Am most­ly impressed because it’s the tiny movie Cop­po­la sand­wiched between two God­fa­ther epics. The Con­ver­sa­tion makes me wish that Hack­man could’ve reprised the Har­ry Caul char­ac­ter through­out his career like Jean-Pierre Leaud’s Doinel. Then again, resur­fac­ing as Edward “Brill” Lyle thir­ty…

  • It took me this long to recover.

    That Black Lips and Ponys show I went to on Sun­day? Major­ly dis­ap­point­ing. Kudos to pro­duc­er John Agnel­lo, who along with the band engi­neered a record that accen­tu­ates Turn the Lights Out­’s Son­ic-Youthi­est moments. Unfor­tu­nate­ly for me, those moments turned out to be stu­dio arti­facts that nev­er emerged from their mud­dy mix Sun­day night. A brief…

  • This totally explains the origin of “same difference,” right?

    Don’t call it a cold war. Every­body glasnost! [“Free­dom” — Vladimir Putin remix b/w “Watch­ing the Detec­tives Watch Each Oth­er” — Lil’ George feat. AG’s Ashcroft and Al Gonzo]

  • Sunday isn’t the time for fence-sitting.

    Tonight at John­ny Bren­da’s I will try to deter­mine whether or not my appre­ci­a­tion for songs [as opposed to my ongo­ing love affair with “songs”] has reached its lim­it in first quar­ter ’07. It may just be all the col­lege bas­ket­ball jar­gon float­ing around, but do the Ponys have an upside? I hope so. [In oth­er…

  • The wine tastes perfect with the chicken.

    Nas vs. Funkstörung? That’s a good look. You should real­ly check these out. I checked it out on this guy’s say-so, but then the man him­self per­son­al­ly left a com­ment. Tago-Mago should­n’t be denied. Don’t take my word for it; check it out your own damn self.