• Woke right up to a brand new day!

    A phone call at 5 a.m. this morn­ing total­ly freaked me out. It was a wrong number. While you’re here, be sure to check out my review of Shin­ing’s “Win­ter­reise” which fea­tures an inter­view with Shin­ing’s auteur, Jørgen Munke­by. By the way, I did­n’t get chance to talk about “Moon­child Mindgames,” but if you ask…

  • What did I miss?

    Regret­tably, you can add Brook­lyn punks Matt and Kim to the list. I wish upcoming.org could not only remind me of shows, but take me to them and drop me off after­ward. No hard feel­ings — it’s real­ly SEP­TA’s fault. [I love “Yea Yeah” so much because it’s a total “Dot Dash” ripoff trib­ute. Care­ful though…

  • In some respects it felt like identity theft.

    Not that I’ll ever post any­thing there again, but I’ve reclaimed the old Black­mail Is My Life space from weirdo fake tech spam blog­gers who prob­a­bly would­n’t know a Fukasaku movie from When Har­ry met Sal­ly.

  • Who will cut our hair when you’re gone?

    The East Vil­lage seemed dead Tues­day. 2nd Ave strikes me as New York’s answer to South Street in cer­tain respects. One the one hand you’ve got places like Lit, on the oth­er you’ve got strip mall reg­u­lars like Cold Stone Cream­ery. I had­n’t been up for a vis­it since last sum­mer, but since then so…

  • You can tell so much just from the book’s meticulous index.

    Pro­fess love for Marnie Stern’s In Advance of the Bro­ken Arm [see above] despite miss­ing her house show in West Philly tonight. See also, minus con­cert-going: Ortho­dox’s Gran Poder, Deer­hoof’s Friend Oppor­tu­ni­ty. Come to appre­ci­ate Pazz & Jop com­ment joke about U.S. out­sourc­ing pop to Cana­da, Swe­den. [Link?] Vis­it friends in New York City tomor­row,…