This is a quiet form of entertainment.
Vashti Bunyan’s performance at Johnny Brenda’s had her seeming none the worse for wear, despite what’s been politely termed a raucous evening at Carnegie Hall the night before, hosted by David Byrne. Her piquant lullabies sounded as crisp and pure as the cold night air, hushing an already reverent crowd. Considering it was the first…
Even drunks know better than to behave like this.
What’s in your RSSenal? I’m looking for more and better outlets for new video and mp3 content. I’m looking to expand my categorized links with the new WordPress and I’d like to pay closer attention to hyped blogs to save myself the embarrassment of making public pleas like this going forward. So if you’re feeling…
The Night of the Hunter vanquished Charles Laughton.
In an effort to keep tabs on 2007 favorites, I’m going to try to post lists of them on a monthly basis. Here goes, in no particular order: Times New Viking — Present the Paisley Reich [Siltbreeze] Andrew Bird — Armchair Apocrypha [Fat Possum] Antibalas — Security [Anti-] I’m From Barcelona — Let Me Introduce My…
He hit me (and it felt like a kiss.)
When Grizzly Bear covered the Crystals Thursday night, it was love. They update tried and true Spectorisms with icy motifs of longing and detachment, resulting in a sound like the shaft of light entering the empty house that adorns the cover of Yellow House.
You’ve been chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation of the sequel to your life.
If I told you I’ve been working on a project that involves David Cross and Stephen Malkmus, would you believe me? Since an indie rock scheduling conflict with Yo La Tengo has come up, I can’t attend myself, so I’ll pray to Youtube that everything goes well. P.S.: If your name is Carl Young and you’re…