• This is a quiet form of entertainment.

    Vashti Bun­yan’s per­for­mance at John­ny Bren­da’s had her seem­ing none the worse for wear, despite what’s been polite­ly termed a rau­cous evening at Carnegie Hall the night before, host­ed by David Byrne. Her piquant lul­la­bies sound­ed as crisp and pure as the cold night air, hush­ing an already rev­er­ent crowd. Con­sid­er­ing it was the first…

  • Even drunks know better than to behave like this.

    What’s in your RSSe­nal? I’m look­ing for more and bet­ter out­lets for new video and mp3 con­tent. I’m look­ing to expand my cat­e­go­rized links with the new Word­Press and I’d like to pay clos­er atten­tion to hyped blogs to save myself the embar­rass­ment of mak­ing pub­lic pleas like this going for­ward. So if you’re feel­ing…

  • The Night of the Hunter vanquished Charles Laughton.

    In an effort to keep tabs on 2007 favorites, I’m going to try to post lists of them on a month­ly basis. Here goes, in no par­tic­u­lar order: Times New Viking — Present the Pais­ley Reich [Silt­breeze] Andrew Bird — Arm­chair Apoc­rypha [Fat Possum] Antibalas — Secu­ri­ty [Anti-] I’m From Barcelona — Let Me Intro­duce My…

  • He hit me (and it felt like a kiss.)

    When Griz­zly Bear cov­ered the Crys­tals Thurs­day night, it was love. They update tried and true Spec­torisms with icy motifs of long­ing and detach­ment, result­ing in a sound like the shaft of light enter­ing the emp­ty house that adorns the cov­er of Yel­low House.

  • You’ve been chosen as an extra in the movie adaptation of the sequel to your life.

    If I told you I’ve been work­ing on a project that involves David Cross and Stephen Malk­mus, would you believe me? Since an indie rock sched­ul­ing con­flict with Yo La Ten­go has come up, I can’t attend myself, so I’ll pray to Youtube that every­thing goes well. P.S.: If your name is Carl Young and you’re…