Well the landslide will bring it down.
Nancy Pelosi commenting on The Colbert Report: “I watch it all the time,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D‑San Francisco), “and I think, ‘Why would anybody go on there?’ ” Am I alone in thinking that this was the quaintest election in memory? I can think of few things that sound more like a Pyrrhic victory…
Everything is red red red.
On tap this week: Review of Grails at Circle Thrift and Celebration at The Trocadero. Review of Schlondorff’s Coup de Grace. Upcoming pieces for Philly Weekly, Paper Thin Walls and City Paper. A few words about the amazing UT reissues on Mute. Tomorrow: voting, early and often.
Wir widerstehen noch!
The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum. Directed by Volker Schlöndorff and Margarethe von Trotta. In an interview featured on the Criterion edition DVD, Schlöndorff himself recognizes post‑9/11 USA in his adaptation of The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum. It’s not hard. At the height of Baader-Meinhof hysteria, young Germans affixed stickers reading “Ich gehore nicht…
Do you recall the last time we watched Breathless?
While I regain consciousness: Grails, w/ Kayo Dot, tonight at Circle Thrift, 2007 Frankford Ave. Psychic Ills — Early Violence & Dins Huddled beneath the thick, warm, & fuzzy blankets of feedback and reverb: Asobi Seksu & Evangelicals Plague Songs - Wyatt, Eno, Scott Walker & Laurie Anderson. Sunn o))) & Boris — “Her Lips Were…
He gets to beating his wings while he sleeps it off.
Touring in support of their recently released album Gala Mill, The Drones got off to an inauspicious start here in Philadelphia. Plagued by equipment problems and time constraints, lead singer and guitarist Gareth Liddiard’s frustration was visible, and humor seemed his only recourse. Complaining about the sound, he remarked wryly, laughing, “We usually sound like…