• Look out honey, cuz I’m using technology!

    The Depart­ed. Dir. by Mar­tin Scorsese. Why is it not sur­pris­ing that the Amer­i­can ver­sion of this film felt a lit­tle bloat­ed? Damon and Wahlberg in a cop dra­ma set in Boston? Shock­ing! How do you like dem apples indeed! And why Frank Costel­lo, and not just some rel­a­tive­ly anony­mous rack­e­teer? Dude would’ve been dead…

  • Quick update.

    O.k. so the RSS fea­tured in the meta tag — low­er right — works. Com­ments still appear to be fucked, but that’s get­ting looked into. Addi­tion­al changes forth­com­ing, like an events cal­en­dar, last.fm pro­file, and oth­er Web 2.0 heavy hit­ters. For clar­i­fi­ca­tion pur­pos­es, Web 2.0 should­n’t read like even so much as a tac­it endorse­ment…

  • Welcome back!

    Wel­come to Black­mail Is My Life, 1.5. For­give me in advance for the present appear­ance, but keep an eye out for all things Web 2.0 in the com­ing days, as well as a stead­ier pub­lish­ing sched­ule [like some­times, instead of seldomly.] And yes, hope­ful­ly the com­ments will be fixed soon! [Com­ments are active!]

  • A certain ratio.

    Down­load: Ser­e­na Maneesh — Can­dle­light­ed I asked Emil Niko­laisen [Han sagde: Naa, maend hvor­dan har du det? Og jeg gen­t­age: Meget godt, tak, maend du maa nok lige unskylde mit Dan­sk. Det er daarligt lige nu] if Ser­e­na Maneesh had begun record­ing any nye musik last night before their show at First Uni­tar­i­an Church. He…

  • Best intentions.

    Half Nel­son, star­ring Ryan Gosling and Sha­ree­ka Epps. Direct­ed by Ryan Fleck. Ryan Gosling plays D.C. Berman as Robin Williams [who was real­ly Leo Strauss] in Dead Poet­’s Soci­ety: The Urban Years! Think: Crash meets Akee­lah & The Bee [and there are actu­al­ly cast mem­bers from sea­son four of The Wire, too. Don’t get excit­ed. They…