Why I Switched to Poster
You may have noticed some changes here recently. Here’s a hint: fresh content! Want to know my secret? The Poster app! Now I know we’ve all heard that the iPad is not a content-creation device, but I’m finding it pretty easy myself. In fact, I haven’t reopened my MacBook once, not even to change my…
Ramsayings at the Movies
I used to write about culture! Let me see if I can still flex my capsule muscles. Argo: Damon got action. Affleck got auteur. Nice to see Ben make a movie outside his backyard. The Dark Knight Rises: Tom Hardy’s voice was so silly I barely noticed Bale’s Batvoice. Looper: A mash up of Look…
In Praise of Richard Buckner
I first learned about Richard Buckner in the late nineties. I’d joined the Pavement listserv and when we weren’t arguing over which Pavement album was the worst (people hated BtC) we’d talk about all sorts of artists popular at the time among the indie crowd. Richard Buckner was one of the names that got mentioned…
Saying Goodbye to Port Fishington
When Helen and I first settled in Port Fishington six years ago, we thought we’d made a bad decision. We’d moved from a vibrant, bustling street in Pennsport to a desolate block above York Street. We found lots of vacant houses and even less to eat. It wasn’t scary; the neighbors were friendly and welcoming.…
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Podcast
I was first introduced to podcasting by Todd Burns, my editor at [Stylus Magazine](http://stylusmagazine.com). He was way out in front on that, bringing readers the Stycast far more often than they deserved. Sure, it may have sounded like a painful eye problem, it was much further ahead of its time than I realized. Since then…