• Why I Switched to Poster

    You may have noticed some changes here recent­ly. Here’s a hint: fresh con­tent! Want to know my secret? The Poster app! Now I know we’ve all heard that the iPad is not a con­tent-cre­ation device, but I’m find­ing it pret­ty easy myself. In fact, I haven’t reopened my Mac­Book once, not even to change my…

  • Ramsayings at the Movies

    I used to write about cul­ture! Let me see if I can still flex my cap­sule muscles. Argo: Damon got action. Affleck got auteur. Nice to see Ben make a movie out­side his backyard. The Dark Knight Ris­es: Tom Hardy’s voice was so sil­ly I bare­ly noticed Bale’s Batvoice. Loop­er: A mash up of Look…

  • In Praise of Richard Buckner

    I first learned about Richard Buck­n­er in the late nineties. I’d joined the Pave­ment list­serv and when we weren’t argu­ing over which Pave­ment album was the worst (peo­ple hat­ed BtC) we’d talk about all sorts of artists pop­u­lar at the time among the indie crowd. Richard Buck­n­er was one of the names that got men­tioned…

  • Saying Goodbye to Port Fishington

    When Helen and I first set­tled in Port Fish­ing­ton six years ago, we thought we’d made a bad deci­sion. We’d moved from a vibrant, bustling street in Pennsport to a des­o­late block above York Street. We found lots of vacant hous­es and even less to eat. It was­n’t scary; the neigh­bors were friend­ly and wel­com­ing.…

  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Podcast

    I was first intro­duced to pod­cast­ing by Todd Burns, my edi­tor at [Sty­lus Magazine](http://stylusmagazine.com). He was way out in front on that, bring­ing read­ers the Sty­cast far more often than they deserved. Sure, it may have sound­ed like a painful eye prob­lem, it was much fur­ther ahead of its time than I realized.  Since then…